Get Bit!
"You don't have to be faster than the shark, just faster than your friends!"
Get Bit! is a card game where players are competing to stay alive as the others are being eaten by the shark.
The order of the swimmers is determined by simultaneously playing cards face-down then revealing the values. The number on each player's card determines position in line (higher numbers in front, lower numbers in back), however ties don't move. The swimmer at the back loses a limb to the shark and is flung to the front of the line! The process is repeated until only two swimmers remain on the table. When this happens, the swimmer at the front of the line wins the game!
caption © Mayday Games
User Reviews (2)
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Get Bit is an easy game to learn. You are swimming in shark infested waters and someone is going to get bit. Actually, in the games I have played no one ends up with all their limbs intact but that does not mean that this is not a lot of fun to play.
First off, the components are really nice. From the players lego-like pieces with removable limbs and head to the shark with a movable jaw. It is pretty easy to right away to get the whole idea of the game into your mind, so it is quite thematic. You and your fellow “swimmers” are trying to escape being bit by the shark, but every turn someone will get bit. Each player has a set of cards in their players color that are numbered one through seven. Each player places one card face down and then the cards are revealed and this will determine the chomping order of the of your player pieces. This is also where it gets tricky. If there are any ties, those player’s pieces do not move this round. Otherwise, everyone moves to the front of the time starting from the lowest numbered card to the highest. The person at the end of the line after all movements have been made loses a limb. Play continues like this until there is only two swimmers left and the one in front wins.
The game play is pretty simple but kids will love it and adults will also enjoy this one as well. I gave it a 7 but it was more a 6.5 but that is not an option.
I first saw Get Bit! played by Wil Wheaton on his Geek & Sundry podcast TableTop, and thought it looked fun. This past week I had a chance to play it with some friends at our friendly neighborhood game store, and I was proven right!
The snap-together robots are sturdy, awesome, playful components, the cards are simply and artfully designed, and the game’s overall swim-or-“get-bit!” concept is simple enough for most kids to understand and enjoy. We’re really excited to get this for our nephews!
What I Love
I love that this game can be as luck-driven or as strategic as a player is able to make it. I am not a strategic player, so I just have fun with the basic strategy (lay small numbers the first round, and progressively larger cards each turn) and the ensuing mayhem. I love the nonsense of a Lego shark chomping off bits of robots.
Why I Only Give it a 9
This game is nearly perfect as it is, but I’ve had enough after a game or two. It’s great as a filler between games, while someone is putting away a complicated game and getting the next one set up. This is how Wil Wheaton presented Get Bit! in TableTop, and I think that’s right. However, I’m sure this will quickly become the new Uno for my nephews, and I will quickly have to eat my words. Or my robot.